Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Boehnerific Plan: 5 Easy Pieces in 12 Easy Steps

Step 1: Surrender to a Higher Power, or more specifically, Rush Limbaugh.
Lagniappe: Update to Yesterday's Post
Instead of the NRA eagle for the back of the North American Union's Amero coins, Michelle Bachmann is considering going with the eagle from the front cover of the GOP's 12 Step Plan for the Road to Recovery. Mel "Sugar Tits" Gibson must be going nuts because the 13 stars above the head of the eagle form the Star of David instead of a cross. Maybe Mel thinks this means that the Secret Jewish Bankers That Control Everything are covertly suggesting that the original 13 colonies formed a Jewish Nation, and not a Christian Nation.

underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
Friday, March 27, 2009
Boob E. Prize
I can't remember where I saw it, it's been a hectic couple of weeks. The Repubicans were trying to start a meme about Obama being an empty suit. Doesn't have an original thought in his own head. The party of Reagan was whining about tele-prompters! The Hindrocket guy, the one who creamed his tightie whities over the brilliance of George W. Bush, I think he had something to do with it.
Because he's so unpopular, they'd like Dick Cheney to fade away the same way Dubya is fading away. Fuck That Shit! Let's drag him out into the open, stick a microphone in his face, and ask the MBA Prez for some sage "cream your tightie whities" advice.
Here’s an idea for a plan that could work: restructure the mortgages so their value reflects the median value of a home based on its value from 2005 to the present; adjust interest rates so they are lower; then spend enough money on job creation (like infrastructure repairs) which give people jobs, kickstarting the economy and giving everyone money to pay down their debt. But that plan doesn’t give Wall Street a big fat check, now does it?
underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Paper Chase
Meanwhile, down the road at the old Johnson Farm...
Undeniable Liberalism
underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Greasy Kids' Stuff
Meanwhile, down the road at the old Johnson Farm...
Grave Robbing
underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Meanwhile, down at the Old Johnson Farm...
underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Blog Against Theocracy: April 10-12, 2009
Blog Against Theocracy (hello BlueGal!), because if you don't, then who will?
My first idea for a Blog Against Theocracy cartoon was a picture of a naked George W. Bush. He's masturbating while a member of the Taliban reads to him, from the bible, a passage about stoning a woman to death. Bush's erect penis is a cross.
Maybe next year...
Monday, March 02, 2009
Lola Lita
Steve the Manager rehired Tom as a cook at The Copper Kettle after Tom threatened to return everyday as a customer, right before the lunch rush, with an army of his smelly homeless friends. Tom and Joey the Busboy have a hydroponic pot farm in the crawl space above the restaurant ceiling, and they roped Bob the Cook into their operation. Tom and Bob went to Bob's Grandparents' farm to rent their barn for the storage of the pot harvest. Their cover story is that they are starting a band and they want the barn for rehearsal space.
Meanwhile, John Poindexter and Ollie North were concerned that President Obama will cut the defense budget, so they held a seance and consulted the ghosts of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Nixon hatched the plan to buy up foreclosed homes and turn them into meth labs and indoor pot farms to generate money for covert military operations.For his headquarters, Ollie North purchased the foreclosed farm down the road from Bob's Grandparents, and began assembling his "F-Troop Team" by calling on G. Gordon Liddy.

Meanwhile, a mile away at the old Johnson Farm...


underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
Steve the Manager rehired Tom as a cook at The Copper Kettle after Tom threatened to return everyday as a customer, right before the lunch rush, with an army of his smelly homeless friends. Tom and Joey the Busboy have a hydroponic pot farm in the crawl space above the restaurant ceiling, and they roped Bob the Cook into their operation. Tom and Bob went to Bob's Grandparents' farm to rent their barn for the storage of the pot harvest. Their cover story is that they are starting a band and they want the barn for rehearsal space.
Meanwhile, John Poindexter and Ollie North were concerned that President Obama will cut the defense budget, so they held a seance and consulted the ghosts of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Nixon hatched the plan to buy up foreclosed homes and turn them into meth labs and indoor pot farms to generate money for covert military operations.For his headquarters, Ollie North purchased the foreclosed farm down the road from Bob's Grandparents, and began assembling his "F-Troop Team" by calling on G. Gordon Liddy.
Meanwhile, a mile away at the old Johnson Farm...
underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
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