This cartoon is of American Troops torturing a Filipino with "the water cure" during the war against Filipinos. The cartoon comes from The Forbidden Book, a collection of political cartoons and history about the 15 year long Philippine-American War that began in 1898 (Teddy Roosevelt declared an end to the war on July 4,1902, despite the fact that the first battles in Mindanao had just begun. Mission Accomplished!) It is an amazing book. NEVER FORGET
Wow. Great find about a despicable and too-little remembered war. Thanks.
I think the reason it is too-little remembered is because it is not taught in schools. People can't remember, or forget, something they never knew anything about to begin with. American History has long been taught in sound-bite fashion, and it's only going to get worse.
Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too!
I found out from an in-law from Davao a few years back. Incredible what's buried.
Gonna look this book up pronto.
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