Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cobble Stone

I love making things out of junk and spare parts. I hate throwing things away, because you never know when you might need it. 8 years ago, we bought the smallest, cheapest human powered push reel mower. The axle didn't rotate inside of ball bearing rings, it rotated in bushings, it had plastic pinions, etc. I kept it going for as long as I could without investing too much time and money. When the handle broke, I bolted the bottom to a gardening stake, and attached the top of the handle to the stake with some old hose clamps. Eventually, though, it became unworkable, and unfixable without buying new parts, so I broke down and bought a new, better push reel mower. I took the old mower apart and cobbled together the handle, a crossbar, old bicycle wheels, and some scrap wood into this gardening cart. The rack and peanut steering is pretty sweet. I might fill it up with potting soil and make a portable plant box out of it, or maybe use it as an apple cart. Maybe I'll make a whirlygig or a windchime out of the old reel.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Put two little front wheels on the handles, and you've got yourself a lean, mean, racing machine.

zencomix said...

All that 1970s go-cart construction experience is finally paying off.

zencomix said...

I still have the 2 wheels from the old mower, and a couple of wheels from an old Weber grill, so don't think it didn't cross my mind! I'll have to check my junk inventory for an axle.

Randal Graves said...

Um, you're supposed to throw everything away then buy new stuff. No wonder the economy sucks, hippie.

zencomix said...

Randal, I thought you of all people would appreciate the rack and peanut steering.

Steve Lafler said...

Want to let you know, the manxmedia email is 5 years gone! Now it's