One of the 5 year old Ken Mehlman cartoons I did suggested that Ann Coulter was actually Ken Mehlman in drag. Some people were offended and suggested I was somehow belittling gays and transexuals. That certainly wasn't my intent, and ultimately the cartoon is a failure for not clearly making the point I wanted it to make.
I'm all in favor of equal rights for everybody: gays, lesbian, transexual, transgender, Senators that like to wear diapers during sexual escapades, etc....
The cartoon was trying to illustrate that the people claiming some kind "Family Values" and "Moral Superiority", and who were actively suppressing the rights of the aforementioned groups, have their own "Dirty Little Secrets". The cartoon was about the double standard that exists within the "Ruling Class". For example, there's the "Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman, so we must deny the opportunity to gay people" bullshit. How many sacred bonds has John McCain had? Rudy Giuliani? Newt Gingrich? Rush Limbaugh? Ken Mehlman chooses to work for these people. Paging Senator Ensign, paging Senator Vitter, paging Larry Craig, paging Mark Foley, your table is ready!
So, yeah, Bravo Mr Mehlman, for coming out of the closet. Are you going to use your surge in popularity to rectify the ills you helped to spread during your work with the Republicans, or are you just going to write a book, give a few speeches, and cash in while the market is hot?
Want to hear something really funny? I get comments emailed to me, and today I checked my email and there was a comment on a 5 year old Ken Mehlman cartoon, "The Unbearable Lie-ness of Being Ken Mehlman." Now, I haven't been too active posting, and I've only been averaging about 100 or so hits a day, mostly google image hits. I checked the site meter to see if there were any other people visiting a 5 year old Ken Mehlman cartoon, and as of 5:00 pm, there are 1929 hits and climbing. Let's see if the Sandy Underpants Hit Generator Strategy can amplify the hits.
Let's throw in a couple of bonus "Ken Mehlman Naked Ass Fucking" and "Ken Mehlman Topless Man Boobs" for good measure.
Traveling down the Linkage Road one day, I ended up at Tumblr. After poking around a bit, I thought I'd give it a spin around the block.
Meanwhile, Comixed is fun in a Beverly Hillbillies Meets Richard Nixon kind of way. It's a quick pressure release valve for some of the ideas that bubble up from my brain, when there isn't enough time to translate it into a drawing. It's like Photoshopping, but text is your only tool.